Spring 2024 SWOG Group Meeting

Last Updated March 22, 2024

SWOG's Spring 2024 Hybrid Group Meeting will take place April 3-6 at the Hyatt Regency Seattle and online. All session times are in Pacific Time (PT).  For Group Meeting questions not answered here, you can send us a message to meetings@swog.orgOn-line registration will be open through Friday, March 22.

Most Open Sessions Will Be Live-Streamed

If you are unable to travel to the Seattle meeting, please join us online for live-streamed sessions. Remote attendees and presenters can access call links for open sessions on our Spring 2024 Meeting: Session Details page.  All closed/invitation only sessions will be in-person only, with a few exceptions as noted on the schedule.

  Download the Meeting App

  • Meeting Booklet
    • As of the fall 2023 meeting, the agenda book will be provided in PDF form only. Printed agenda books will NOT be provided in Seattle.
    • A printed agenda pocket card/tri-fold brochure WILL be provided in Seattle, as at past meetings.
    • A new mobile app with meeting details will also be available for download to your phone or tablet in late March. App content will also be accessible via a standard web browser (no app installation needed).
  • Hotel Map
  • Restaurant Guide
  • CME Credit Are Available for Many Sessions: You must use the mobile app or the web-based version to claim credits during and after the meeting.  Details will be posted once the app is available.
  • Exhibitor Information: Exhibits will be held April 4-5 from 8:00 am - 5:00 pm.
  • Pharmaceutical Partners: We look forward to your participation at the SWOG 2024 Spring Group Meeting!
    Please note: SWOG has updated the registration policy to ensure we can maintain meetings of the highest caliber.  Pharma partners attending in person and not specifically invited to present as part of the group meeting agenda will be required to pay a per-person registration fee of $250.

    Please visit The Hope Foundation’s Group Meeting Registration Payment Page to make any necessary payments.  Payment can be made via credit card or check.  Questions can be directed to Mallory Glenn at mallory@thehopefoundation.org or (734) 546-8434.
  • Speaker/Planner Disclosures
Tweeting the meeting? Please use the hashtag #swogonc.

Group Meeting and Travel Logistics


Individuals are responsible for making their own flight arrangements to and from the Group Meeting. We will experience a total eclipse on Monday, April 8.  As a result, we have seen a rise in the cost of flights to some locations that weekend.  We encourage all attendees to book flights early.


Hotel Reservations

You can reserve your hotel room at the Hyatt Regency online or by calling 206-973-1234. When calling, ask for the SWOG room block. The Group room rate is $294 plus tax. The cut-off date for making reservations is March 1. Any reservations after that time will be based on rate and space availability. To cancel or change your Hyatt reservation, call 206-973-1234.


Need Special Accommodations?

If you need special arrangements or accommodations to fully participate in all Group Meeting functions, please contact the meetings manager at 210-614-8808, ext. 1009 after you register online.

​Group Meeting Funding/Travel Support

SWOG and The Hope Foundation provide funding to support travel for member CRAs and nurses, NCORP Early-Stage Investigators, Board of Governors members, and Modality and Discipline Investigators to attend the group’s semi-annual meetings. Committee funds are also available through The Hope Foundation to help support committee efforts at the group meetings that aren't funded via the NCORP or NCTN grants.

For specific details and links to apply, please visit the Funding and Travel Support page: Group Meeting Funding/Travel Support | SWOG

Group Meeting Event Information

Plenary I (Translational Medicine)

The spring meeting's Translational Medicine Plenary will take place Thursday, April 4, 3:30 - 5:00 pm PT:

SWOG Vice Chair for Translational Medicine  Professor of Surgical Oncology and Molecular and Cellular Oncology  The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center

Welcome and Introduction
Lee M. Ellis, MD, FASCO
Vice-Chair for Translational Medicine
MD Anderson Cancer Center

Characterizing the Tumor Immune Microenvironment in Alveolar Soft Part Sarcoma Using High-End Omics Approaches: Lessons Learned with Potential Implications in Rare Tumors Harboring Fusion Proteins
Abdul Rafeh Naqash, MD
University of Oklahoma

Translating Breast Cancer: Changing How We Practice
Alastair Thompson, MD
Baylor College of Medicine

MINI-SYMPOSIUM – Navigating NCI Navigator: Obtaining Tissue Specimens from SWOG's Biobank for Translational Medicine Studies:

     SWOG's Lessons Learned Navigating Navigator
     Yvonne Moyer, MBA
     Nationwide Children's Hospital

     The Future of Navigator and Tissue Acquisition
     Grace Mishkin, PhD, MPH
     Cancer Therapy and Evaluation Program, National Cancer Institute

     Panel discussion with Q&A will follow.

Attendees can earn Continuing Medical Education (CME) credits for this plenary session.

Plenary II (General)

Year of Progress: Breast, Palliative and End-of-Life Care, and Lymphoma
SWOG's spring 2024 general plenary session will take place Friday, April 5, 12:00 - 2:00 pm PT. Three SWOG leaders will report on their committees' most significant results and undertakings over the last year, perhaps with glimpses of the year to come. Presentations will be followed by brief Q&A sessions.

Charles D. Blanke, MD

Chair’s Welcome and Update
Charles D. Blanke, MD
SWOG Group Chair
Professor, Knight Cancer Institute, Oregon Health & Science University

Breast Research Updates
Lajos Pusztai, MD, DPhil
Chair, Breast Committee
Yale University Cancer Center

Palliative and End of Life Care Research Updates
Marie Bakitas, DNSc, CRNP
Co-Chair, Palliative and End of Life Care Committee
UAB School of Nursing

Lymphoma Research Updates
Jonathan W. Friedberg, MD
Chair, Lymphoma Committee
University of Rochester Medical Center

Attendees can earn CME credits for this plenary session.

CRA Clinical Trials Training Course

The Clinical Trials Training Course will be held on Wednesday, April 3, 7:00 am - 5:00 pm PT. It introduces the fundamentals of SWOG and National Cancer Institute (NCI) policies and procedures and provides the foundation to efficiently perform responsibilities as a SWOG Oncology Research Professional. Space is limited for on-site attendance, so sign up early!

If you are unable to attend the group meeting in person, the morning session will be available as a hybrid option to those that are interested. Please use that alternate registration option to attend remotely.

CTTC Agenda  CTTC Course Description

CTTC Certificates

Nursing Research Subcommittee

The Nursing Research Subcommittee meeting will be held on Wednesday, April 3, 10:00 - 11:45 am PT.  The meeting is open to Nurse Scientists interested in advancing collaborative research within the clinical trials network as principal and co-investigators and to Nurses interested in serving as Coordinators for studies involving unique or unfamiliar assessments and/or behavioral interventions. Additionally, we are seeking to increase the representation and involvement of Advanced Practice Nurses within SWOG serving as site investigators for DCP studies. If you are interested in attending (and are not on our email distribution list), please contact Jamie Myers, Chair, at jmyers@kumc.edu.


Please join us for the TAKE ACTION Symposium presented by the SWOG Recruitment and Retention Committee on Wednesday, April 3, 2:30 - 4:30 pm PT.    

CME credits are available for this symposium.   

Site Operations

The Site Operations meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, April 3, 5:30 - 7:30 pm PT. 

Connie M. Szczepanek, RN,BSN

It "takes a village" to lead research sites and make it possible for participants to enroll on trials. This special perspective is the focus of Site Operations, a subcommittee of the Oncology Research Professionals (ORP) Committee. A variety of practical topics will be discussed, including:

  • SWOG statistical and operations updates
  • NCI changes and new information
  • SWOG quality assurance topics and questions

This meeting is open to everyone and provides an opportunity to hear updates and ask questions.  Please join us!



Jeri & Noboru Oishi Symposium

Join us on Thursday, April 4, 8:00 - 11:00 am PT. Topics and speakers TBD.

Oncology Research Professionals Open Forum

The ORP Open Forum is set for Thursday, April 4, 12:30 - 2:00 pm PT. Please join us in-person to discuss topics in a small group setting.  Rotate among four 20-minute round table sessions of your choice to learn more about conducting SWOG trials, mitigating challenges, and implementing strategies with your facilitator and tablemates.

Agenda and Handouts

Please note we encourage in-person attendance as there will be no remote meeting links for this forum. Although recordings of the round table discussions will not be made, we will post handouts and facilitator contact details for each table topic to the SWOG website after the Group Meeting.

This meeting is open to everyone and provides an opportunity to hear updates and ask questions.  Please join us!

Nicholas J. Vogelzang, MD, GU Symposium and Scholarship

Nicholas J. Vogelzang, MD, GU Symposium

This spring's Nicholas J. Vogelzang, MD, Symposium, to be held Thursday, April 4, from 7:30 - 10:00 am PT, will address the topic of translational medicine in GU clinical trials. Speakers TBD.

Honoring the many valuable contributions Dr. Vogelzang made in support of his colleagues and patients throughout his career within SWOG’s research network, Vogelzang symposia are held at SWOG group meetings to provide members with the latest and best resources for extending and improving the lives of those impacted by genitourinary cancers.

This will be an informative symposium you won't want to miss!