Join SWOG Cancer Research Network

When hospitals, clinics, and other institutions join SWOG, they join a global community united in their commitment to create and run high-impact cancer clinical trials.

SWOG Cancer Research Network is part of the nation's oldest and largest publicly funded cancer research network, with funding since 1956 from the National Cancer Institute

Hospitals, clinics, cancer centers, and other institutions that join SWOG help their clinical research staff work better, faster, and smarter. 

SWOG member benefits include:

  • A professional network of more than 20,000 cancer research professionals worldwide, including leading experts in precision medicine, immunotherapy, prevention and epidemiology, and more
  • Access to hundreds of National Cancer Institute-sponsored prevention and treatment trials, as well as trials focusing on survivorship, symptom control and quality of life, cancer care delivery and palliative care
  • The opportunity for staff to help create, or lead, NCI-funded prevention and treatment trials
  • A connection to The Hope Foundation for Cancer Research, SWOG's charity, which provides millions of dollars for research, travel, and training and education
  • Free registration for staff to attend biannual meetings that provide education, lectures, networking opportunities, and more
  • Free in-person and online training programs and workshops for staff that cover topics such as grant writing, leadership, quality assurance, and research procedures
  • Access to a mobile-friendly website that includes a database of more than 1,400 protocols and 5,000 published trial results, a member directory, training modules, and workbench tools

SWOG has three membership programs:

Member Institution Program
This program is for active NCI Lead Academic Participating Sites (LAPS) as well as clinical institutions that have the ability to enroll a large number of patients to SWOG treatment trials and have extensive staff expertise in clinical research. Members are funded through the NCI's National Clinical Trials NetworkThe NCTN is managed by the NCI's Cancer Therapy Evaluation Program.

NCORP Member Program
This program is for community hospitals that want to take part in SWOG cancer control, delivery, and prevention trials, as well as treatment trials, under the NCI's Community Oncology Research Program (NCORP). NCORP is managed by the NCI's Community Oncology and Prevention Trials Research Group, and SWOG NCORP members must maintain NCORP funding. 

Affiliate Program
This program is for smaller community hospitals or private medical practices that operate in conjunction with member institutions, which serve as a sponsor for affiliates. Affiliates have access to almost all SWOG treatment and prevention trials.

For application information, contact