- Meeting Booklet
- Exhibitor Information: Exhibits will be held October 20-21 from 8:00 am - 5:00 pm.
- Pharmaceutical Partners: We look forward to your participation at the SWOG 2022 Fall Group Meeting!
Please note: SWOG has updated the registration policy to ensure we can maintain meetings of the highest caliber. Pharma partners attending in person and not specifically invited to present as part of the Group Meeting Agenda will be required to pay a per person registration fee of $250.
Please visit The Hope Foundation’s Group Meeting Registration Payment Page to make any necessary payments. Payment can be made via credit card or check. Questions can be directed to Morgan Cox at morgan@thehopefoundation.org // (734) 998-6887.
- Speaker/Planner Disclosures
Tweeting the meeting? Please use the hashtag #swogonc.
Group Meeting and Travel Logistics
Hotel Reservations
You can reserve your hotel room at the Hyatt Regency online or by calling 312-565-1234. When calling, ask for the SWOG room block. The Group room rate is $289 plus tax. The cut-off date for making reservations is September 19. Any reservations after that time will be based on rate and space availability. To cancel or change your Hyatt reservation, call 312-565-1234.
Need Special Accommodations?
If you need special arrangements or accommodations to fully participate in all Group Meeting functions, please contact the meetings manager at 210-614-8808, ext. 1009 after you register online.
Group Meeting Funding/Travel Support
Nurse/CRA Travel Support
Committee Meeting Funds
SWOG disease, research, and administrative committee chairs may request up to $15,000 annually from The Hope Foundation to support committee efforts at meetings that are not currently funded by the NCTN or NCORP grants. Funds may be used for invited speakers, member or guest travel, food and beverages, committee dinner meetings, etc.
Deadline to apply: September 14
SWOG Board of Governors Travel Support
The Hope Foundation provides travel funding upon request for current members of the SWOG Board of Governors to facilitate their participation in the meeting and BOG session. Some restrictions apply.
Deadline to request support: September 14
Questions? Contact Morgan Cox at The Hope Foundation (morgan@thehopefoundation.org).
SWOG MaD Money: Modality and Discipline Travel Support Program
SWOG is interested in supporting a wide cross section of disciplines and treatment modalities to ensure robust input into the group's developing clinical trials.
Recognizing that travel to SWOG group meetings -- a key venue for interaction among SWOG investigators -- is not always financially supported by institutions, we are providing a mechanism to help support meeting travel costs for investigators who are not medical oncologists.
The SWOG MaD Travel Money program provides successful applicants with coach-class air transportation and two nights standard lodging at the meeting facility. The program is open to investigators from disciplines other than hematology/oncology, such as surgeons, radiation oncologists, cardiologists, pharmacists, and general practitioners with oncology research experience.
There are four available spots granted on a first come first serve basis for those who qualify. To apply for MaD funding, please visit the following link and complete the online form. All fields must be completed, and a biosketch is required: SWOG MaD Webform.
Group Meeting Event Information
Plenary I (Translational Medicine)
The fall meeting's Translational Medicine Plenary will take place Thursday, October 20, 3:30 - 5:00 pm CT. Speakers and topics:
- Introductory Comments
Lee M. Ellis, MD, FASCO
Vice-Chair for Translational Medicine
- Coltman Fellow - Image analysis-based TILs measurement predicts breast cancer pCR in SWOG S0800 neoadjuvant chemotherapy trial
Kim RM Blenman, PhD, MS
Yale Cancer Center
- Updates from the Lung Cancer Translational Medicine Committee
Phillip Mack, PhD
Tisch Cancer Institute at Mount Sinai
- Learning to Speak the Same Language: AI to Accelerate Cancer Clinical Trial Enrollment
Aaron Cohen, MD, MSCE
Flatiron Health
Plenary II (General)
SWOG's fall 2022 general plenary session will take place Friday, October 21, 12:00 - 2:00 pm CT.
“MATCH Making: NCI's New Precision Medicine Initiative Master Protocols,” will feature updates by leaders of the new NCI precision medicine trials, all of which are expected to have component activations this fall: MyeloMATCH, ComboMATCH, and ImmunoMATCH. These will be preceded by an update on the ongoing Lung-MAP trial, the NCI's first precision medicine master protocol. Presentations will be followed by a Q&A session.
- Chair’s Welcome and Update
Charles D. Blanke, MD, SWOG Group Chair
- Lung-MAP Update
Roy S. Herbst, MD, PhD, Lung-MAP Study Chair
- The MyeloMATCH Trial
Harry P. Erba, MD, PhD, SWOG Leukemia Committee Chair and MyeloMATCH Senior Science Council Co-Chair
- The ComboMATCH Trial
James M. Ford, MD, ComboMATCH Study Chair
- The ImmunoMATCH Trial
Siwen Hu-Lieskovan, MD, PhD, SWOG Immunotherapeutics Committee Co-Chair and ImmunoMATCH SWOG PI
Advanced Practice Provider Clinical Research Workshop
Please plan to attend this Special Research Base Intergroup Symposium on Wednesday, October 19, 9:00 am - 12:00 pm CT. This symposium is sponsored by the SWOG Nursing Research Subcommittee and Palliative and End of Life Care Committee, and is funded by The Hope Foundation. This is a symposium for all stakeholders -- members of all disciplines are invited!
This event will focus on the essentials for advanced practice providers to provide safe care to patients on clinical trials and enhance their involvement with NCI-based research. We hope you can join us!
NCORP Research Base Clinical Trials Workshop
Join us for the 8th Annual SWOG NCORP Research Base Clinical Trials Workshop on Wednesday, October 19, 12:30 - 4:00 pm CT. SWOG members, clinical research professionals and investigators at NCTN and NCORP institutions are encouraged to attend the informative presentations and panel discussions.
The workshop provides information on conducting clinical trials in the following five SWOG Committees:
• Cancer Care Delivery
• Cancer Survivorship
• Palliative and End of Life Care
• Prevention and Epidemiology
• Symptom Control and Quality of Life.
This is an opportunity for information sharing amongst attendees, study chairs, SWOG Data Management staff, the NCI and other subject matter experts.
(Society of Clinical Research Associates (SOCRA) continuing education credit is available.)
Nursing Research Subcommittee
The Nursing Research Subcommittee meeting will be held on Wednesday, October 19, 1:00 - 2:45 pm CT. The meeting is open to Nurse Scientists interested in advancing collaborative research within the clinical trials network as principal and co-investigators and to Nurses interested in serving as Coordinators for studies involving unique or unfamiliar assessments and/or behavioral interventions. Additionally, we are seeking to increase the representation and involvement of Advanced Practice Nurses within SWOG serving as site investigators for DCP studies. If you are interested in attending (and are not on our email distribution list), please contact Jamie Myers, Chair, at jmyers@kumc.edu.
TAKE ACTION SYMPOSIUM: Hispanic/Latinx Populations in Clinical Research
Please join us for the TAKE ACTION Symposium presented by the SWOG Recruitment and Retention Committee on Wednesday, October 19, 4:30 - 6:30 pm CT. This interactive discussion will focus on the Hispanic/Latinx populations. Don’t miss this opportunity to hear from subject matter experts and learn of ways to increase representation in clinical trials. Topics include: 1) understanding Hispanic/Latinx population 2) cancer misinformation 3) cancer health disparities, and 4) best practices for enrolling patients on to clinical trials.
Continuing education credit will be available.
Site Operations
The Site Operations meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, October 19, 5:30 - 7:30 pm CT.
SWOG values the Research Team Members who work with Investigators to make cancer research happen. It "takes a village" to lead research sites and make it possible for participants to enroll on trials. This special perspective is the focus of Site Operations, a subcommittee of the Oncology Research Professionals (ORP) Committee. A variety of practical topics will be discussed, including:
- SWOG statistical and operations updates
- NCI changes and new information
- SWOG quality assurance topics and questions
This meeting is open to everyone and provides an opportunity to hear updates and ask questions. Please join us!
Jeri & Noboru Oishi Symposium
The Jeri and Noboru Oishi Symposium will be held on Thursday, October 20, 9:00 am - 12:00 pm CT (check-in begins at 8:30). Topics for this symposium include:
- Understanding the vital intersection between “Regulatory” and the entire clinical research team. Tune in and find out what regulatory you need to know in your everyday practice.
- A panel discussion on Regulatory 101 topics with onboarding tips and organizational tools from multiple SWOG member perspectives.
- Understanding the PMB and upcoming Aurora implementation with the inside scoop from Matt Boron, RPh.
- A panel discussion on why there are so many IRBs and how IRB governance impacts with the whole research team.
- Hear about new SWOG resources and get QA tips on what and what not to prepare for an audit.
- A panel discussion regarding common regulatory challenges and lessons learned from past mistakes.
- Stay ‘til the end for a sneak peek preview of what’s topical and future-facing in regulatory
This meeting is open to everyone. Please join us!
Oncology Research Professionals Open Forum
The ORP Open Forum is set for Thursday, October 20, 12:30 - 2:00 pm CT. We’re going back to the round table discussion format—hybrid style! This forum offers a great opportunity to get answers to your clinical trial questions and to address the current issues that challenge us today. The open forum will be split into two different breakout sessions, and participants will be able to choose two different topics from the list below. Indicate which topics you wish to attend when registering for the meeting and join us as we continue to learn from the Oishi panelists!
Breakout Descriptions
12:30 - 1:10 pm: Breakout Session 1 (choose one topic below)
- Regulatory 101 - Take a deeper dive with the Regulatory 101 panelists to include tools to stay organized throughout the lifecycle of a study.
- Understanding the PMB - Gain additional insights from Matt Boron with more PMB information on DTLs, IP accountability, and the Aurora CTEP Inventory management system, etc.
- Interactive Q&A - Back by popular demand! Test Your Knowledge: An Interactive Q&A Session – make sure to bring your laptops or iPhones to participate in the answer polling.
1:15 - 2:00 pm: Breakout Session 2 (choose one topic below)
- SWOG Perspectives and Common Challenges - Hear real-life lessons and downstream effects from the Oishi panelists as we continue the conversation of challenges in the ever-changing research environment.
- Know your IRBs - Learn more on general IRB management as well as nuances of different IRB requirements as the Oishi panelists continue to discuss the intersection between regulatory and clinical teams.
- Interactive Q&A - Back by popular demand! Test Your Knowledge: An Interactive Q&A Session – make sure to bring your laptops or iPhones to participate in the answer polling.
This meeting is open to everyone and provides an opportunity to hear updates and ask questions. Please join us!
Nicholas J. Vogelzang, MD, GU Symposium: Organ Preservation in Bladder Cancer
This fall's inaugural Nicholas J. Vogelzang, MD, Symposium, to be held Friday, October 21, from 9:30 - 11:30 am CT, will address the topic of organ preservation in bladder cancer.
Honoring the many valuable contributions Dr. Vogelzang has made in support of his colleagues and patients throughout his career within SWOG’s research network, Vogelzang symposia are held at SWOG group meetings to provide members with the latest and best resources for extending and improving the lives of those impacted by genitourinary cancers.
Vogelzang Symposium Agenda:
- Introduction – Daniel Petrylak, MD; Ian M. Thompson, Jr., MD; & Seth Lerner, MD
- Patient advocate experience with bladder preservation
- Success and pitfalls of design in contemporary trials of bladder preservation – Parminder Singh, MD
- Urologist Perspective – Optimizing clinical staging and enrollment for bladder preservation trials – Scott Delacroix, MD
- Radiation Oncology – Variables for stratification – Daniel Allan Hamstra, MD
- Novel biomarker for new bladder preservation trials and optimizing biospecimen storage and processing for AI-driven biomarker discovery – David J. McConkey, PhD
- Panel discussion of new trial ideas – If S1806 is positive or negative
- Conclusion and next steps – Seth Lerner, MD
This will be an informative symposium you won't want to miss!