Clinical Trials

Accrual Status
Limit to SWOG Trials

647 Results

Active Filters

Status Trial Number Title Sort descending Activated Closed Accrual Phase Published
Closed S0325 Phase IIb Imatinib or Dasatinib for Untreated Chronic CML 8/15/2004 2/28/2009 100% Published
Closed SWOG-9460 Phase IIb Randomized Chemoprevention Trial of N-(4-Hydroxyphenyl) Retinamide (4-HPR) in Transitional Cell Bladder Carcinoma 6/1/1996 10/15/1999 34% Published
Closed SWOG-8737 Phase III AZQ 24-hour Infusion versus BCNU for Adult High Grade Gliomas 8/15/1988 5/15/1991 100% Published
Closed S0819 Phase III Carbo/Taxol/Bevacizumab +/- Cetuximab in Advanced NSCLC 7/15/2009 5/1/2015 78% Published
Closed SWOG-9313 Phase III Comparison of Adjuvant Chemotherapy with High-Dose Cyclophosphamide plus Doxorubicin (AC) versus Sequential Doxorubicin followed by Cyclophosphamide (A’C) in High-Risk Breast Cancer… 3/15/1994 5/1/1997 98% Published
Closed S0232 Phase III Double-Blinded Placebo Controlled Previously Untreated Multiple Myeloma 11/1/2004 5/11/2007 40% Published
Closed S0777 Phase III LD vs. VLD for Induction, followed by Transplant in Multiple Myeloma 4/1/2008 2/1/2012 100% Published
Closed S0521 Phase III Maint. vs. Obs. for Low and Intermediate Risk APL 6/1/2007 19% Published
Closed S0106 Phase III Starndard + Mylotarg vs. Standard + Daunomycin/Ara-C for AML Under Age 61 5/15/2004 8/20/2009 93% Published
Closed SWOG-8833 Phase ll Investigation of Chlorambucil and Fludarabine Monophosphate in Relapsed or Refractory Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia 5/15/1989 4/15/1991 88% Published
Closed SWOG-8734 Phase ll Trial of Low Dose PALA and High Dose 5-FU as a Short Term Infusion in the Treatment of Adeno-carcinoma of the Stomach 3/1/1988 1/1/1990 86% Published
Closed SWOG-8814 Phase lll Comparison of Adjuvant Chemoendocrine Therapy with CAF and Concurrent or Delayed Tamoxifen to Tamoxifen Alone in Postmenopausal Patients with Involved Axillary Lymph Nodes and Positive… 5/15/1989 8/1/1995 100% Published
Closed SWOG-9051 Pilot Evaluation of Combined Hepatic Chemoembolization and Systemic Chemotherapy with 5-FU and Folinic Acid for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma of the Colon and Rectum, Phase II 4/15/1992 4/1/1995 100% Published
Closed SWOG-9009 Pilot Study for Analysis of Lymphocyte Subsets and Natural Killer Activity after Treatment with Levamisole 12/15/1990 8/7/1992 95% Published
Closed SWOG-8572 Pilot Study of Continuous Low-Dose 5-Fluorouracil Infusion and Radiation Therapy as Adjuvant Treatment for Duke's-C Colon and Rectal Cancer 5/9/1986 6/15/1991 64% Published
Closed SWOG-8750 Pilot Study to Examine Cytogenetic Abnormalities in Patients with Acute Leukemia, Ancillary 4/15/1987 10/15/1991 Published
Closed SWOG-9021 (INT-0124) (BTCG-9021) (RTOG-9021) Pos Op RT Single Brain Met 7/15/1991 12/1/1994 25% Published
Closed SWOG-9239 Post-Organ Transplant Lymphoproliferation Treatment 4/15/1995 8/15/2000 40% Published
Closed S0000A PREADVISE 5/17/2002 9/30/2009 72% Published
Closed SWOG-8006 Preoperative Reductive Chemotherapy for Stage III or IV Operable Epidermoid Carcinoma of the Oral Cavity, Oropharynx, Hypopharynx or Larynx 7/14/1980 2/20/1985 Published
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