Clinical Trials

Accrual Status
Limit to SWOG Trials

647 Results

Active Filters

Status Trial Number Title Sort descending Activated Closed Accrual Phase Published
Closed S0119 Gemcitabine/Irinotecan Untreated Extensive SCLC 1/1/2002 2/15/2003 100% Published
Closed S0502 GIST Ph III imatinib with or without bevacizumab 4/15/2008 10/1/2009 2% Published
Closed S0001 Glioblastoma Multiforme/Gliosarcoma 9/1/2001 11/15/2005 46% Published
Closed S9812 GU/Prostate 6/15/1999 6/1/2001 100% Published
Closed S9917 GU/Prostate (HGPIN) 2/1/2000 11/1/2006 53% Published
Closed S9706 HD CTX followed by FLUDARA in B-Cell CLL 9/15/1997 3/1/1999 100% Published
Closed SWOG-8465 High Dose Cisplatinum in the Treatment of Osteogenic and Soft Tissue Sarcoma 8/17/1984 7/15/1987 Published
Closed SWOG-9011 High Dose Etoposide, Cyclophosphamide and Either Fractionated Total Body Irradiation or Carmustine Combined with Autologous Bone Marrow Rescue for Refractory or Relapsed Hodgkin's Disease 4/15/1990 12/1/1995 90% Published
Closed SWOG-8942 High Dose Etoposide, Cyclophosphamide and Either Fractionated Total Body Irradiation or Carmustine Combined with Autologous Bone Marrow Rescue for Refractory or Relapsed Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma 3/1/1990 12/15/1994 100% Published
Closed S0008 High Dose IFN vs. Cis/Vinblastine/DTIC + IL-2 & IFN in High Risk Melanoma 8/1/2000 11/15/2007 90% Published
Closed SWOG-9415 (INT-0153) (CALGB-9498) (ECOG-S9415) (NCCTG-S9415) High Risk Resectable Colon 12/1/1994 12/15/1999 71% Published
Closed SWOG-8562 High-Dose Cisplatin in Hypertonic Saline for the Treament of Metastatic or Recurrent Malignant Melanoma 1/3/1986 2/15/1990 Published
Closed SWOG-9341 High-Dose Ifosfamide (HDI) with Mesna and Granulocyte-Colony Stimulating Factor (rhG-CSF) in Unresectable Malignant Mesothelioma 9/15/1994 9/15/1996 100% Published
Closed SWOG-774/775 Hodgkin's Disease: Remission Induction with Mustargen, Oncovin, Prednisone and Procarbazine + Bleomycin (MOPP#4) 7/20/1971 8/23/1974 Published
Closed S0517 HODGKIN'S: SAHA for Recurrent or Primary Refractory Hodgkin's Lymphoma 9/15/2005 8/1/2007 77% Published
Closed S9811 Hydroxyurea 11/15/1998 6/1/2005 66% Published
Closed S0026 IFN & Thalidomide in Disseminated Malignant Melanoma 11/1/2001 5/1/2003 62% Published
Closed SWOG-8731 Ifosfamide and Mesna in Malignant Mesothelioma 3/1/1988 7/15/1989 Published
Closed SWOG-8091 In Vitro Chemotherapy Sensitivity Testing of Leukemic Stem Cells Using a Cloning Assay, Ancillary. 10/23/1980 4/1/1987 Published
Closed SWOG-8571 Induction Chemotherapy With High-Dose Cyclophosphamide for Poor Prognosis, Disseminated Breast Cancer, with Radiation Therapy in Complete Responders 4/15/1986 1/1/1988 Published
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