5594 Results
- Journal / Conference
- A J Dis Child 108:530-532
- Year
- 1964
- Research Committee(s)
- Genitourinary
Uracil mustard therapy in metastatic Wilms' tumor.
- Journal / Conference
- Cancer Chemotherapy Reports 28:13-15
- Year
- 1963
- Research Committee(s)
- Myeloma
Evaluation of new chemotherapeutic agents in the treatment of multiple myeloma.
- Journal / Conference
- Blood 22:811
- Year
- 1963
The anemia of human riboflavin deficiency.
- Journal / Conference
- Pediatrics 29:43-46
- Year
- 1963
- Research Committee(s)
- Genitourinary
Vincristine (leurocristine) sulfate in the treatment of children with metastatic Wilms' tumor.
- Journal / Conference
- Cancer Chemotherapy Reports 29:43-46
- Year
- 1963
Actinomycin P2 in malignancies in children.
- Journal / Conference
- Cancer Chemotherapy Reports 29:103-107
- Year
- 1963
A Phase I study of hydroxyurea.
- Journal / Conference
- Cancer Chemotherapy Reports 30:109
- Year
- 1963
Letter to the Editor: "Bone marrow morphology study."
- Journal / Conference
- Cancer Chemotherapy Reports 28:39-41
- Year
- 1963
- Research Committee(s)
- Sarcoma
Clinical trials with cyclophosphamide in children with soft tissue sarcoma.
- Journal / Conference
- J Pediatrics 32(5):227-237
- Year
- 1963
- Research Committee(s)
- Sarcoma
L-phenylalanine mustard as a treatment for metastatic osteogenic sarcoma in children.
- Journal / Conference
- JAMA 182(1):30-37
- Year
- 1962
- Research Committee(s)
- Leukemia