Current List of Online Training Courses


Biospecimen Submission and Correlative Science Proposals:

Quality Assurance

SWOG Members


SWOG Oncology Research Professional (ORP) Training Materials:

(See below for a list of individual courses in Spanish):

List of individual 5-30 minute courses within each APP/ORP Training Plan

    Materials in Spanish / Presentaciones en español:

    NIH Introduction to the Principles and Practice of Clinical Research (IPPCR) 

    • The Introduction to the Principles and Practice of Clinical Research (IPPCR) course trains registrants on how to effectively and safely conduct clinical research. The course focuses on the spectrum of clinical research and the research process by highlighting biostatistical and epidemiologic methods, study design, protocol preparation, patient monitoring, quality assurance, ethical and legal issues, and much more. 

    Principles of Clinical Pharmacology

    • The Principles of Clinical Pharmacology online lecture series covers the fundamentals of clinical pharmacology as a translational scientific discipline focused on rational drug development and utilization in therapeutics. The course focuses on the following core principles of pharmacology: pharmacokinetics; drug metabolism and transport; drug therapy in special populations; assessment of drug effects; drug discovery and development; pharmacogenomics and pharmacotherapy.

    NCI Pharmaceutical Management Branch (PMB), CTEP Inventory Management System: AURORA

    • AURORA is the NCI's innovative and centralized agent inventory management system for CTEP-sponsored clinical trials using PMB-supplied agents. The above NCI PMB AURORA training and resources page includes AURORA system training, NCI investigational agent training, and includes a frequently asked questions webpage as well as an implementation plan for forthcoming AURORA components.