SWOG clinical trial number

A Randomized Phase II Study of Gemcitabine and Nab-Paclitaxel Compared with 5-Fluorouracil, Leucovorin, and Liposomal Irinotecan in Older Patients with Treatment Naïve Metastatic Pancreatic Cancer (GIANT)

Abbreviated Title
A Randomized Phase II Study of Gemcitabine and Nab-Paclitaxel Compared with 5-Fluorouracil, Leucovorin, and Liposomal Irinotecan in Older Patients with Treatment Naïve Metastatic Pancreatic Cancer …

Research committees

Gastrointestinal Cancer


5-Fluorouracil Gemcitabine hydrochloride Leucovorin Calcium Liposomal Doxorubicin Nab-Paclitaxel

Eligibility Criteria Expand/Collapse

SWOG is participating in this study through the Cancer Trials Support Unity (CTSU) of the National Cancer Institute. Please contact the CTSU directly by phone (888/823-5923) or on the CTSU website (http://www.ctsu.org) for more information and registration procedures.

Publication Information Expand/Collapse


EA-2186: A randomized phase II Study of Gemcitabine and Nab-Paclitaxel Compared with 5- Fluorouracil, Leucovorin, and Liposomal Irinotecan in older patients with treatment naïve metastatic pancreatic cancer (GIANT): Trials in Progress

E Dotan;P Catalano;L Lenchik;R Boutin;X Yao;C Gatsonis;D Zhen;D Li;L Wagner;M Simon;T Wong;P O'Dwyer J Clin Oncol 40, 2022 (suppl 16; abstr TPS4185), poster 157B; ASCO Annual Meeting (June 3-7, 2022, Chicago, IL)