SWOG clinical trial number

A Randomized Phase III Study of Immune Checkpoint Inhibition with Chemotherapy in Treatment-Naive Metastatic Anal Cancer Patients

Abbreviated Title
A Randomized Phase III Study of Immune Checkpoint Inhibition with Chemotherapy in Treatment-Naive Metastatic Anal Cancer Patients

Research committees

Gastrointestinal Cancer


Carboplatin Nivolumab Paclitaxel

Eligibility Criteria Expand/Collapse

SWOG is participating in this study through the Cancer Trials Support Unity (CTSU) of the National Cancer Institute. Please contact the CTSU directly by phone (888/823-5923) or on the CTSU website (http://www.ctsu.org) for more information and registration procedures.

Publication Information Expand/Collapse


A Randomized Phase III Study of Immune Checkpoint Inhibition with Chemotherapy in Treatment-Naive Metastatic Anal Cancer Patients: A trial of the ECOG-ACRIN Cancer Research Group (EA2176)

M Roth;P Catalana;K Ciombor;A Benson;X Yao;R Yaeger;M Salem;V Morris;D Henry;J Whisenant;P O'Dwyer;C Eng J Clin Oncol 39, 2021 (suppl 15; abstr TPS3614) (American Society of Clinical Oncology Annual Meeting 2021, poster session)