- Clinical Trials
- SWOG-9333
A Randomized Controlled Trial of Mitoxantrone and Etoposide versus Daunomycin and Cytosine Arabinoside as Induction Therapy in Patients Over Age 55 With Previously Untreated Acute Myeloid Leukemia, Phase III
Research committees
Eligibility Criteria Expand/Collapse
Publication Information Expand/Collapse
E Pogosova-Agadjanyan;X Hua;M Othus;F Appelbaum;T Chauncey;H Erba;M Fitzgibbon;J Godwin;I Jenkins;M Fang;A Moseley;J Naru;J Radich;B Willborg;C Willman;F Wu;S Meshichi;D Stirewalt Biomarker Research Mar 16;11(1):31. doi: 10.1186/s40364-023-00461-0
PMid: PMID36927800 | PMC number: PMC10022072
Long Non-coding RNA Expression Independently Predicts Outcome in Pediatric Acute Myeloid Leukemia
J Farrar;J Smith;M Othus;B Huang;Y Wang;R Ries;T Hylkema;E Pogosova-Agadjanyan;A Leonti;T Shaw;T Triche;A Gamis;R Aplenc;E Kolb;X Ma;D Stirewalt;T Alonzo;S Meshinchi Journal of Clinical Oncology Jun 1;41(16):2949-2962
PMid: PMID36795987 | PMC number: PMC10414715
C Termini;A Moseley;M Othus;F Appelbaum;T Chauncey;H Erba;M Fang;S Lee;J Naru;E Pogosova- Agadjanyan;J Radich;C Willman;F Wu;S Meshinchi;D Stirewalt Haematologica. Apr 6. doi: 10.3324/haematol.2023.282733. Online ahead of print
PMid: PMID37021537 | PMC number: PMC Journal - In Process
A Robust Long Non-Coding RNA Expression Classifier for Risk Stratification in Pediatric AML
J Farrar;J Smith;M Othus;B Huang;Y Wang;R Ries;T Hylkema;E Pogosova-Agadjanyan;A Leonti;T Shaw;T Triche;A Gamis;R Aplenc;E Kolb;X Ma;D Stirewalt;T Alonzo;S Meshinchi ASH Annual Meeting (Dec 10 thru 13, 2022, New Orleans, LA), poster
M Othus;G Garcia-Manero;J Godwin;J Weick;D Stirewalt;F Appelbaum;H Erba;E Estey Leukemia & Lymphoma, Aug;62(8):1967-1972; Mar 10;1-6. doi: 10.1080/10428194.2021.1885663. Online ahead of print.2021
PMid: PMID3719833
J Naru;M Othus;C Lin;A Moseley;A List;C Willman;E Pogosova-Agadjanyan;F Wu;F Appelbaum;H Erba;I-M Chen;I Jenkins;J Kennedy;J Delrow;J Whiteaker;J Radich;J Godwin;L Beppu;M Fitzbiggon;M Fang;P Wang;P Gafken;R Ivey;S Meshinchi;T Chauncey;T Lorentzen;U Voytovich;A Paulovich;D Stirewalt American Society of Hematology (Dec 11-14, 2021, Atlanta, GA), oral, #522
D Stirewalt;M Othus;Y Naru;J Kennedy;E Pogosova-Agadjanyan;F Appelbaum;L Beppu;T Chauncey;J Delrow;H Erba;P Gafken;J Godwin;M Fitzgibbons;X Hua;I Jenkins;M Fang;R Ivey;C Lin;T Lorentzen;A Moseley;J Radich;J Voytovich;P Wang;J Whiteaker;C Willman;F Wu;S Meshinchi;A Paulovich American Society of Hematology (Dec 11-14, 2021, Atlanta, GA), oral, #799
A Michelson;S Mcdonough;C Willman;E Koegle;J Anderson;J Godwin;S Petersdorf;A List;M Othus;F Appelbaum;J Radich;R Ganapathi;A Advani;R Ganapathi Scientific Reports Mar 26;10(1):5486
PMid: PMID32218491 | PMC number: PMC7099013
E Pogosova-Agadjanyan;A Moseley;M Othus;F Appelbaum;T Chauncey;I-M Chen;HP Erba;JE Godwin;I Jenkins;M Fang;M Huyhn;K Kopecky;A List;J Naru;G Pogosov;J Radich;E Stevens;B Willborg;C Willman;BL Wood;Q Zhang;S Meshinchi;D Stirewalt Biomarker Research Aug 12;8:29
PMid: PMID32817791 | PMC number: PMC7425159
M Othus;E Estey;G Garcia-Manero;BL Wood;D Stirewalt;J Godwin;J Weick;J Anderson;F Appelbaum;H Erba;R Walter Leukemia Feb;33(2):554-558; Oct 12. doi: 10.1038/s41375-018-0274-y. [Epub ahead of print]
PMid: PMID30315233 | PMC number: PMC6367002
M Othus;G Garcia-Manero;JE Godwin;JK Weick;F Appelbaum;H Erba;E Estey Blood (2019) 134 (Supplement_1): 291, abst 613 (American Society of Hematology Annual Meeting (Dec 7-10, 2019, Orlando, FL), oral
E Pogosova-Agadjanyan;A Moseley;F Appelbaum;T Chauncey;I-M Chen;H Erba;J Godwin;I Jenkins;M Fang;M Huynh;K Kopecky;A List;J Naru;J Radich;E Stevens;B Willborg;C Willman;B Wood;Q Zhang;S Meshinchi;D Stirewalt Blood (2019) 134 (Supplement_1): 2691; American Society of Hematology Annual Meeting (Dec 7-10, 2019, Orlando, FL), poster
Survival by Hispanic Ethnicity among Cancer Patients Participating in SWOG Clinical Trials
M Chavez-MacGregor;J Unger;A Moseley;S Ramsey;DL Hershman Cancer Apr 15;124(8):1760-1769; Jan 25 [Epub ahead of print]
PMid: PMID29370458 | PMC number: PMC5963502
E Pogosova-Agadjanyan;A Moseley;M Othus;F Appelbaum;T Chauncey;I-M Chen;HP Erba;J Godwin;M Fang;K Kopecky;AF List;G Pogosov;J Radich;C Willman;BL Wood;S Meshinchi;D Stirewalt Biopreservation and Biobanking Feb;16(1):42-52; Nov 27 [Epub ahead of print]
PMid: PMID29172682 | PMC number: PMC5808392
M Othus;E Estey;G Garcia-Manero;B Wood;DL Stirewalt;J Godwin;J Weick;J Anderson;F Appelbaum;H Erba;R Walter Blood 132:3978; American Society of Hematology Annual Meeting (Dec 1-4, 2018, San Diego, CA), poster
V Nghiem;R Vaidya;M Banegas;D Hershman;J Unger AcademyHealth Annual Research Meeting (June 23-26, 2018, Seattle, WA), poster #B-335
Survival by Hispanic Ethnicity Among Cancer Patients participating in SWOG Clinical Trials
A Moseley;M Chavez-MacGregor;J Unger;S Ramsey;D Hershman Society for Clinical Trials Annual Meeting (May 20-23 2018, Portland, OR), oral presentation
Association between body mass index and cancer survival in a pooled analysis of 22 clinical trials
H Greenlee;J Unger;M Leblanc;S Ramsey;D Hershman Cancer Epidemiology Biomarkers & Prevention 2017 Jan;26(1):21-29; 2016 Dec 16. [Epub ahead of print]
PMid: PMID27986655 | PMC number: PMC5370550
X Qu;M Othus;J Davison;Y Wu;L Yan;E Estey;J Radich;H Erba;F Appelbaum;M Fang Cancer Jul 1;123(13):2472-2481; 2017 Feb 21[Epub ahead of print]
PMid: PMID28222251; PMC5705230
M Othus;G Garcia-Manero;JE Godwin;J Weick;JE Anderson;DL Stirewalt;F Appelbaum;HP Erba;EH Estey Blood 2017 130:1301; American Society of Hematology Annual Meeting (December 9-12, 2017, Atlanta, GA), poster
M Othus;S Mukherjee;MA Sekeres;JE Godwin;SH Petersdorf;F Appelbaum;H Erba;E Estey Leukemia Aug;30(8):1779-1780; 2016 Feb 29 [Epub ahead of print]
PMid: PMID27055872 | PMC number: PMC4980556
EL Pogosova-Agadjanyan;A Moseley;BL Wood;F Appelbaum;TR Chauncey;H Erba;J Godwin;M Fang;Kopecky;AF List;M Othus;J Radich;I-M Chen;CL Willman;S Meshinchi;D Stirewalt Blood 128:2890; American Society of Hematology Annual Meeting (December 3-6, 2016, San Diego, CA), poster
F Ostronoff;M Othus;A Burnett;E Estey;FR Appelbaum;A Evans;J Godwin;A Gilkes;K Kopecky;M Lazenby;AF List;M Fang;V Oehler;S Petersdorf;E Pogosova-Agadjanyan;J Radich;C Willman;S Meshinchi;DL Stirewalt Journal of Clinical Oncology, Apr 1;33(10):1157-1164
PMid: PMID25713434 | PMC number: PMC437285
A Cesano;C Willman;K Kopecky;U Geyko;S Putta;B Louie;M Westfall;N Purvis;D Spellmeyer;C Marimpietri;J Hackett;J Shi;M Walker;X Sun;E Paietta;M Tallman;L Cripe;S Atwater;F Appelbaum;J Radich PLOS ONE 2015 Apr 17;10(4):e0118485. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0118485
PMid: PMID25884949 | PMC number: PMCID4401549
R Walter;M Othus;AK Burnett;B Lowenberg;H Kantarjian;G Ossenkoppele;R Hills;F Ravandi;A Evans;SA Pierce;F Appelbaum;E Estey Leukemia 29(2):312-320
PMid: PMID25113226 | PMC number: PMC4318722
Cytogenetic heterogeneity negatively impacts outcomes in patients with acute myeloid leukemia
B Medeiros;M Othus;M Fang;F Appelbaum;H Erba Haematololgica Mar;100(3):331-335
PMid: PMID25527568 | PMC number: PMC4349271
X Qu;M Othus;J Davison;L Yan;E Estey;J Radich;H Erba;F Appelbaum;M Fang Blood 126(23):688; American Society of Hematology Annual Meeting (Dec 5-8, 2015, Orlando, FL), oral presentation;
Unsuccessful cytogenetic analysis is a poor prognostic feature in acute myeloid leukemia
B Medeiros;M Othus;E Estey;M Fang;F Appelbaum British Journal of Haematology 28(2):245-250;
PMid: PMID24383844 | PMC number: PMC4117470
M Othus;H Kantarjian;S Petersdorf;F Ravandi;J Godwin;J Cortes;S Pierce;H Erba;S Faderl;F Appelbaum;E Estey Leukemia 28(2):289-292;
PMid: PMID23760400 | PMC number: PMC4457325
Comparison of survival outcomes among cancer patients treated in and out of clinical trials
J Unger;W Barlow;DP Martin;S Ramsey;M Leblanc;R Etzioni;D Hershman Journal of the National Cancer Institute 106(3):dju002; 2014 Mar 13 [Epub ahead of print];
PMid: PMID24627276 | PMC number: PMC3982777
Association between BMI at treatment initiation and cancer survival across multiple SWOG trials
H Greenlee;J Unger;M Leblanc;D Hershman AACR Research International Conference on Frontiers on Cancer Research Prevention (Sept 28-Oct 1, 2014, New Orleans, LA; poster
The prognostic significance of IRF8 transcripts in adult patients with acute myeloid leukemia
E Pogosova-Agadjanyan;K Kopecky;S Meshinchi;F Appelbaum;J Anderson;J Godwin;H Lee;A List;V Oehler;S Petersdorf;J Radich;C Willman;D Stirewalt PlosOne 8(8):e70812;
PMid: PMID23967110 | PMC number: PMC3743845
F Ostronoff;M Othus;P Ho;DE Geraghty;SH Petersdorf;J Anderson;J Godwin;C Willman;G Radich;F Appelbaum;K Kopecky;DL Stirewalt;S Meshinchi Leukemia 27(1):238-241;
PMid: PMID22722750 | PMC number: PMC4457316
RB Walter;M Othus;A Burnett;B Lowenberg;H Kantarjian;GJ Ossenkoppele;RK Hills;K van Montfort;F Ravandi;A Evans;SA Pierce;F Appelbaum;EH Estey Blood 121(13):2424-2431;
PMid: PMID23325837 | PMC number: PMC3612855
F Ostronoff;M Othus;HM Kantarjian;S Meshinchi;F Ravandi;P Hendrie;S Faderl;P Becker;JE Cortes;JM Pagel;SH Petersdorf;JE Godwin;C Willman;SA Pierce;AF List;RK Sandhu;R Walter;D Stirewalt;FR Appelbaum;EH Estey British Journal of Haematology 163(1):130-132;
PMid: PMID23829510 | PMC number: PMC4128010
A Cesano;C Willman;K Kopecky;S Putta;A Cohen;MC Marimpietri;S Atwater;F Appelbaum;G Radich Haematologica 98(suppl.1):abstr. #P956, p.396; European Hematology Association 18th Congress ( June 13-16, 2013, Stockholm, Sweden), poster presentation;
M Othus;S Mukherjee;MA Sekeres;J Godwin;J Anderson;S Petersdorf;F Appelbaum;HP Erba;E Estey Blood 122:2686; American Society of Hematology meeting (Dec 7-10, 2013, New Orleans, LA), poster presentation;
R Walter;M Othus;AK Burnett;AK Burnett;B Lowenberg;H Kantarjian;GJ Ossenkoppele;RK Hills;F Ravandi;A Evans;SA Pierce;F Appelbaum;E Estey Blood 122:64; American Society of Hematology annual meeting (Dec 7-10, 2013), oral;
M Othus;F Ravandi;S Faderl;D Stirewalt;S Pierce;G Borthakur;J Godwin;J Anderson;S Petersdorf;J Cortes;F Ostronoff;E Pogosova-Agadijanyan;F Appelbaum;H Kantarjian;E Estey Blood 122:2686; American Society of Hematology annual meeting (Dec 7-10, 2013, New Orleans, LA), poster;
F Ostronoff;M Othus;S Meshinchi;J Godwin;K Kopecky;A List;V Oehler;S Petersdorf;E Pogosolva-Agadjanyan;J Radich;CL Willman;F Appelbaum;D Stirewalt Blood 122:1315; American Society of Hematology annual meeting (Dec 7-10, New Orleans, LA), poster;
GS Laszlo;JM Lionberger;BS Harrington;CJ Gudgeon;M Othus;F Appelbaum;ID Bernstein;R Walter Blood 122:1318; ASH annual meeting, poster presentaton
Impact of residual normal metaphases in core binding factor acute myeloid leukemia
B Medeiros;M Othus;M Fang;F Appelbaum;E Estey Cancer 118(9):2420-2423;
PMid: PMID21928314 | PMC number: PMC3490403
Impact of body-mass index in the outcome of adult patients with acute myeloid leukemia
B Medeiros;M Othus;EH Estey;M Fang;F Appelbaum Haematologica 97(9):1401-1404
PMid: PMID22315487 | PMC number: PMCID3436242
F Ostronoff;M Othus;S Meshinchi;F Appelbaum;E Estey Blood 120(21):abst. 2590; American Society of Hematology Annual Meeting, poster;
M Othus;H Kantarjian;S Petersdorf;F Ravandi;J Godwin;J Cortes;S Pierce;H Erba;S Faderl;F Appelbaum;E Estey Blood 120(21):abst. 129; American Society of Hematology Annual Meeting, oral;
A Cesano;C Willman;K Kopecky;U Gayko;S Putta;B Louie;M Westfall;N Purvis;D Spellmeyer;C Marimpietri;J Hackett;J Shi;E Paietta;M Tallman;L Cripe;S Atwater;F Appelbaum;J Radich Blood 120(21):abst.2489; American Society of Hematology Annual Meeting, poster;
R Walter;M Othus;AK Burnett;B Lowenberg;H Kantarjian;G Ossenkoppele;RK Hills;K van Montfort;F Ravandi;S Pierce;F Appelbaum;E Estey Blood 120(21)abst. 540; American Society of Hematology Annual Meeting, oral;
Expression of topoisomerase II isoforms a and B in adult patients with acute myeloid leukemia (AML): relationship to immunophenotype and treatment outcome
A Michelson;K Kopecky;E Koegle;J Anderson;J Godwin;S Petersdorf;A List;C Willman;F Appelbaum;J Radich;M Ganapathi;R Ganapathi;A Advani Journal of Clinical Oncology 29:(suppl; abstr 6564) ASCO 2011 meeting, general poster presentation
Influence of residual normal metaphases in acute myeloid leukemia patients with monosomal karyotype [PMID21330329; PMC3069244]
B Xie;M Othus;B Medeiros;M Fang;F Appelbaum;E Estey Haematologica 96(4):631-632
Outcome of patients with acute myeloid leukemia with monosomal karyotype who undergo hematopoietic cell transplantation [PMID21680797;PMC3156042]
M Fang;B Storer;E Estey;M Othus;L Zhang;B Sandmaier;F Appelbaum Blood 118(6):1490-1494
Cytarabine dose for acute myeloid leukemia. (Letter to the Editor) [PMID21631340]
B Medeiros;M Othus;F Appelbaum New England Journal of Medicine 364(11):2167-2168
KIT mutations are very uncommon among elderly AML patients: a SWOG report
F Ostronoff;M Othus;PA Ho;S Petersdorf;JE Anderson;JE Godwin;CL Willman;JP Radich;F Appelbaum;D Stirewalt;S Meshinchi Blood 118(21):abstract 2510; American Society of Hematology (poster presentation);
DNMT3A mutations independently predict poor outcome in older AML patients: a SWOG report
F Ostronoff;M Othus;PA Ho;S Petersdorf;JE Anderson;JE Godwin;C Willman;J Radich;F Appelbaum;D Stirewalt;S Meshinchi Blood 118(210:abstract 3519); American Society of Hematology, poster presentation;
Prognostic import of French-American-British (FAB) system as embedded in 2008 revision of World Health Organization classification of AML
L Newell;M Othus;R Walter;E Petersdorf;T Chauncey;JE Anderson;JE Godwin;K Kopecky;F Appelbaum;E Estey Blood 118(21):abstract 1446; American Society of Hematology, poster presentation;
Prevalence and clinical implications of IDH1 R140 and R172 mutations in older adults with AML: a report from SWOG
PA Ho;M Othus;K Kopecky;F Ostronoff;S Petersdorf;JE Anderson;JE Godwin;CL Willman;JP Radich;F Appelbaum;D Stirewalt;S Meshinchi Blood 118(21):abstract 3516; American Society of Hematology, poster presenation;
Prediction of early death following induction therapy for newly diagnosed acute leukemia with pretreatment risk scores: a novel paradigm for treatment assignment
R Walter;M Othus;G Borthakur;F Ravandi;J Cortes;S Pierce;F Appelbaum;H Kantarjian;E Estey Journal of Clinical Oncology, 29(33):4417-23;
PMid: PMID21969499 | PMC number: PMC3221524
Molecular alterations of the IDH1 gene in AML: a Children's Oncology Group and Southwest Oncology Group study[PMID20376086; PMC2944692]
PA Ho;TA Alonzo;KJ Kopecky;KL Miller;J Kuhn;R Gerbing;S Raimondi;B Hirsch;V Oehler;C Hurwitz;J Franklin;A Gamis;S Petersdorf;J Anderson;GH Reaman;LH Baker;C Willman;I Bernstein;G Radich;F Appelbaum;D Stirewalt;S Meshinchi Leukemia 24(5):909-913;
The effect of complete remission (CR) and CR with incomplete platelet recovery (CRp) on outcome in acute myeloid leukemia: a combined eastern cooperative oncology group (ECOG), Southwest Oncology Group (SWOG), and M.D. Anderson Cancer Center study
Journal of Clinical Oncology 28(10):1766-1771;
BC Medeiros;M Othus;M Fang;D Roulston;FR Appelbaum Blood 116(13):2224-2228
PMid: PMID20562328 | PMC number: PMC3709629
Over-expression of novel IRF8 splice variants is associated with a significant decrease in relapse-free survival in adult AML patients
E Porosova-Agadjanyan;K Kopecky;H Lee;J Anderson;J Godwin;A List;S Meshinchi;V Oehler;S Petersdorf;C Willman;F Appelbaum;JP Radich;D Stirewalt Blood 116:Abstract 1679; American Society of Hematology Annual Meeting; poster
Influence of residual normal metaphases in patients with monosomal karyotype
B Xie;M Othus;B Medeiros;M Fang;F Appelbaum;E Estey Blood 116:Abstract 1671; ASH 2010 meeting; poster presentation
Very late antigen-4 (VLA-4) function of myeloblasts correlates with improved overall survival for patients with acute myeloid leukemia [PMC2630271; PMID18927435]
PS Becker;KJ Kopecky;AN Wilks;JM Harlan;CL Willman;SH Petersdorf;T Papayannopoulou;FR Appelbaum Blood 113(4):866-874
Polymorphisms in DNA repair genes and therapeutic outcomes of AML patients from SWOG clinical trials [PMID17197435]
N Kuptsova;KJ Kopecky;J Godwin;J Anderson;A Hoque;CL Willman;ML Slovak;CB Ambrosone Blood 109(9):3936-3944
Age and acute myeloid leukemia
FR Appelbaum;H Gundacker;DR Head;ML Slovak;CL Willman;JE Godwin;JE Anderson;SH Petersdorf Blood 107(9):3481-3485
Gene expression profiling of adult acute myeloid leukemia identifies novel biologic clusters for risk classification and outcome prediction.
CS Wilson;GS Davidson;SB Martin;E Andries;J Potter;R Harvey;K Ar;Y Xu;KJ Kopecky;DP Ankerst;H Gundacker;ML Slovak;M Mosquera-Caro;IM Chen;DL Stirewalt;M Murphy;FA Schultz;H Kang;X Wang;JP Radich;FR Appelbaum;SR Atlas;J Godwin;CL Willman Blood 108(2):685-696
Size of FLT3 internal tandem duplication has prognostic significance in patients with acute myeloid leukemia.
DL Stirewalt;KJ Kopecky;S Meshinchi;JH Engel;EL Pogosova-Agadjanyan;J Linsley;ML Slovak;CL Willman;JP Radich Blood 107(9):3724-3726
PMid: PMID16368883 | PMC number: PMC1895777
The clinical spectrum of adult acute myeloid leukaemia associated with core binding factor translocations.
FR Appelbaum;KJ Kopecky;MS Tallman;ML Slovak;HM Gundacker;HT Kim;GW Dewald;HM Kantarjian;SR Pierce;EH Estey British Journal of Haematology 135:165-173
Glutathione S-transferase (GSTM1, GSTT1 and GSTA1) polymorphisms and outcomes after treatment for acute myeloid leukemia: pharmacogenetics in Southwest Oncology Group (SWOG) clinical trials.
JR Weiss;KJ Kopecky;J Godwin;J Anderson;CL Willman;KB Moysich;ML Slovak;A Hoque;CB Ambrosone Leukemia 20:2169-2171
PMid: PMID17008887
Outcome after induction chemotherapy for older patients with acute myeloid leukemia is not improved with mitoxantrone and etoposide compared to cytarabine and daunorubicin: a Southwest Oncology Group study
JE Anderson;KJ Kopecky;CL Willman;D Head;MR O'Donnell;FW Luthardt;TH Norwood;IM Chen;SP Balcerzak;DB Johnson;FR Appelbaum Blood 100(12):3869-3876
The significance of trisomy 8 in myeloid leukemia: a Southwest Oncology Group (SWOG) study.
ML Slovak;H Gundacker;SR Wolman;FR Appelbaum American Journal of Human Genetics 69(4):232(#285)
Acute myelogenous leukemia and aging. Clinical interactions.
JE Lancet;CL Willman;JM Bennett Hematology/Oncology Clinics of North America 14(1):251-267
A randomized, phase III trial of mitoxantrone (M) + etoposide (E) versus daunomycin (D) + cytarabine (A) as induction therapy in pts over age 55 with previously untreated acute myeloid leukemia (AML): Southwest Oncology Group Study 9333
JE Anderson;KJ Kopecky;D Head;MR O'Donnell;FW Luthardt;TH Norwood;CL Willman;SP Balcerzak;DB Johnson;FR Appelbaum Blood 94(10)Suppl.1:383a(#1702)part_1_of_2