SWOG clinical trial number

A Phase III Study of Doxorubicin-Cyclophosphamide Therapy Followed by Paciltaxel or Docetaxel Given Weekly or Every 3 Weeks in Patients with Axillary Node-Positive or High-Risk Node Negative Breast Cancer

Abbreviated Title
ADJUVANT: Doxorubicin/cyclophosphamide -> paclitaxel or docetaxel
NCORP, Members, Medical Oncologists, Surgeons, Pathologists

Research committees

Breast Cancer


Cyclophosphamide Paclitaxel Docetaxel Doxorubicin AC

Eligibility Criteria Expand/Collapse

Operable, histologically confirmed adenocarcinoma of the female breast with histologically involved lymph nodes (T1, 2 or 3; N1 or 2; M0; AJC Stage IIA, IIB, IIIA) and high risk axillary node-negative disease (T2N0, Stage IIA; T3N0, Stage IIB); for node-negative patients, the primary tumor must measure at least 2.1cm in maximum diameter; at least 6 nodes removed; sentinal node biopsy OK; bilateral disease OK if nodes positive for at least one primary; <= 84 days from surgery; adequate tumor free margins (< 1mm); LCIS < 1 mm from resection margins OK; neutrophils >= 1,500/mm3; platelets >= 100,000/mm3; serum creatinine <= 1.5 mg/dL; total bilirubin <= 1.5 mg/dL; SGOT (AST) <= 2X ULN; >= 18 years of age; no prior heart disease; no prior chemotherapy or RT for this malignancy; prior RT for DCIS OK if completed >= 2 weeks prior to study entry; <= 4 weeks of tamoxifien or SERM OK - tamoxifen or SERM must be discontinued prior to enrollment; no hypersensitivity to paclitaxel or other drugs formulated in Cremophor EL (polyoxethylated castor oil) or to docetaxel or other drugs formulated with polysorbate.

Publication Information Expand/Collapse


Long-term follow-up of the E1199 phase III trial evaluating the role of taxane and schedule in operable breast cancer

J Sparano;F Zhao;S Martino;J Ligibel;EA Perez;T Saphner;AC Wolff;G Sledge;W Wood;NE Davidson Journal of Clinical Oncology Jul 20;33(21):2353-2360

PMid: PMID26077235 | PMC number: PMC4500829


Prognostic value of tumor-infiltrating lymphocytes in triple-negative breast cancers from two phase III randomized adjuvant breast cancer trials: ECOG 2197 and ECOG 1199

S Adams;RJ Gray;S Demaria;L Goldstein;EA Perez;LN Shulman;S Martino;M Wang;V Jones;T Saphner;A Wolff;W Wood;NE Davidson;G Sledge;J Sparano;S Badve Journal of Clinical Oncology 32(27):2959-2967;

PMid: PMID25071121 | PMC number: PMC4162494


Prognostic value of tumor-infiltrating lympocytes (TILs) in two phase III randomized adjuvant breast cancer trials: ECOG 2197 and ECOG 1199

S Adams;R Gray;S Demaria;LJ Goldstein;EA Perez;LN Shulman;S Martino;NE Davidson;G Sledge;J Sparano;S Bavde San Antonio Breast Cancer Symposium, abst S1-07; oral presentation;


Race and hormone receptor-positive breast cancer outcomes in a randomized chemotherapy trial

J Sparano;M Wang;F Zhao;V Stearns;S Martino;J Ligibel;EA Perez;T Saphner;A Wolff;G Sledge, Jr.;WC Wood;NE Davidson Journal of the National Cancer Institute 104(5):406-414

PMid: PMID22250182 | PMC number: PMC3295746

Neuropathy is not associated with clinical outcomes in patients receiving adjuvant taxane-containing therapy for operable breast cancer

BP Schneider;F Zhao;M Wang;V Stearns;S Martino;V Jones;EA Perez;TJ Saphner;A Wolff;G Sledge, Jr;WC Wood;NE Davidson Journal of Clinical Oncology 30(25):3051-3057

PMid: PMID2851566 | PMC number: PMC3732004

Obesity at diagnosis is associated with inferior outcomes in hormone receptor-positive operable breast cancer

JA Sparano;M Wang;V Stearns;S Martino;JA Ligibel;EA Perez;T Saphner;AC Wolff;GW Sledge;W Wood;J Fetting;NE Davidson Cancer 118(23):5937-46

PMid: PMID22926690 | PMC number: PMC3586227


Obesity at diagnosis is associated with inferior outcomes in hormone receptor positive breast cancer

JA Sparano;M Wang;S Martino;V Jones;EA Perez;T Saphner;AC Wolff;GW Sledge;W Wood;J Fetting;NE Davidson San Antonio Breast Cancer Symposium, abst. #S2-1; poster


Black race is associated with a worse outcome in patients with hormone receptor positive, HER2-normal breast cancer treated with adjuvant chemohormonal therapy

J Sparano;M Wang;V Stearns;S Martino;V Jones;E Perez;T Saphner;A Wolff;G Sledge;W Wood;NE Davidson San Antonio Breast Cancer Symposium, abstract #37 (general session)


Weekly paclitaxel in the adjuvant treatment of breast cancer [PMC2743943; PMID18420499]

JA Sparano;M Wang;S Martino;V Jones;EA Perez;TJ Saphner;AC Wolff;GW Sledge;WC Wood;NE Davidson New England Journal of Medicine 358(16):1663-1771


Phase III study of doxorubicin-cyclophosphamide followed by paclitaxel or docetaxel given every 3 weeks or weekly in operable breast cancer: results of Intergroup Trial E1199

JA Sparano;M Wang;S Martino;V Jones;EA Perez;TJ Saphner;AC Wolff;GW Sledge;WC Wood;NE Davidson Journal of Clinical Oncology, 2007 ASCO Annual Meeting Proceedings, 25(185):516


Phase III study of doxorubcin-cyclophosphamide followed by paclitaxel or docetaxel given every 3 weeks or weekly in patients with axillary node-positive or high-risk node-negative breast cancer: results of North American Breast Cancer Intergroup Trial E1199

JA Sparano;M Wang;S Martino;V Jones;EA Perez;TJ Saphner;AC Wolff;GW Sledge;WC Wood;NE Davidson Proceedings of the San Antonio Breast Cancer Symposium 2005, abstract #48