Fall 2019 SWOG Group Meeting
SWOG's Fall 2019 Group Meeting will take place October 2-5 at the Hyatt Regency Chicago. For Group Meeting questions not answered here, you can send us a message via the Contact Us page. On-line registration is now closed. If you need to register for the Group Meeting, please visit the onsite registration desk. The onsite registration desk will be open daily beginning Wednesday, October 2 at 12:00 PM.
- Meeting Booklet
- Report of Studies (will be available mid September; Printed copies no longer provided)
- Exhibitor Information: Exhibits will be held October 3-4 from 7:00 am - 4:00 pm.
- Pharmaceutical Partners: We look forward to your participation at the SWOG 2019 Fall Group Meeting! Please recall that as of Fall 2018 SWOG has updated its registration policy to include a registration fee of $250 per person for pharma partners not specifically invited to present as part of the Group Meeting Agenda, or participating in a relevant exhibiting/sponsorship capacity.
Please visit The Hope Foundation’s Group Meeting Registration Payment Page to make any necessary payments. Payment can be made via credit card or check. Questions can be directed to Julie Behm at julie@thehopefoundation.org // (734) 998-6888.
- Speaker/Planner Disclosures
If you'll be tweeting from the meeting, please use the hashtag #swogonc.
Group Meeting and Travel Logistics
Hotel Reservations
Hyatt Regency Chicago (conference hotel)
You can reserve your hotel room at the Hyatt Regency online or by calling 888-421-1442. When calling, ask for the SWOG room block. The Group room rate is $319 plus tax. The cut-off date for making reservations is September 2. Any reservations after that time will be based on rate and space availability.
Swissotel (overflow hotel)
In the event that rooms are not available at the Hyatt for your travel dates, we also have a small block of rooms available at the Swissotel, which is connected to the Hyatt via the pedway. Reservations can be made at the Swissotel online through this Reservation Link.
Membership Application Deadline
The deadline for submitting membership nominations to the Operations Office for consideration by the Board of Governors at the Fall Group Meeting is 4:00 PM Central Time Friday, September 6. Consult the Membership page for more information; for a complete outline of the nomination process, refer to Policy Memorandum No. 7.
Need Special Accommodations?
If you need special arrangements or accommodations to fully participate in all Group Meeting functions, please contact the meetings manager at 210-614-8808, ext. 1009 after you register online.
Group Meeting Funding/Travel Support
SWOG Board of Governors Travel Support
Funding provided by The Hope Foundation for current members of the SWOG Board of Governors in order to facilitate participation in the SWOG BOG and Group Meeting. Some restrictions apply.
Deadline to request support: September 4
Committee Support: Group Meetings
SWOG disease, research, and administrative committee chairs are provided the opportunity to request up to $15,000 annually from The Hope Foundation to support committee efforts at group meetings which are not currently funded by the NCTN or NCORP grants. Funds may be used for invited speakers, member/guest travel, food and beverage, committee dinner meetings, etc.
Deadline to apply: September 4
Questions? Contact Morgan Cox at The Hope Foundation (morgan@thehopefoundation.org)
SWOG MaD Money: Modality and Discipline Travel Support Program
SWOG is interested in supporting a wide cross section of disciplines and treatment modalities to ensure robust input into the group's developing clinical trials.
Recognizing that travel to SWOG group meetings - a key venue for interaction among SWOG investigators - is not always financially supported by institutions, we are providing a mechanism to help support meeting travel costs for investigators who are not medical oncologists.
The SWOG MaD Travel Money program provides successful applicants with coach-class air transportation and two nights standard lodging at the meeting facility. The program is open to investigators from disciplines other than hematology/oncology, such as surgeons, radiation oncologists, cardiologists, pharmacists, and general practitioners with oncology research experience.
Program applications for the Fall 2019 SWOG Group Meeting in Chicago are accepted until 4 p.m. PST, Monday, August 26, 2019. To apply for MaD funding, please visit the following link and complete the online form. All fields, as well as a biosketch is required before submitting your form: SWOG MaD Webform
Group Meeting Event Information
Plenary Part I (TM)
The fall meeting's Translational Medicine Plenary will take place Thursday, October 3, 3:30 - 5:00 p.m. Speakers and topics will include:
- Welcome and Introduction
Lee M. Ellis, MD, FASCO
- Biomarker studies in S1314: the "CoXEN" trial
David J. McConkey, PhD
- Accessing Biospecimens for Translational Studies
Elise C. Kohn, MD
- Inhibiting KRAS in the Clinic: Are We There Yet?
Alex A. Adjei, MD, PhD
Plenary Part II (General)
SWOG's 2019 general plenary session will take place Friday, October 4, 12:00 - 2:00 p.m. Speakers and topics will include:
- Chair's Welcome and Update
Charles D. Blanke, MD, FASCO
- Digital Health Evolution and Evidence: From Social Media to Digital Drugs
Don Dizon, MD, FACP, FASCO
- The Second Coming of the Gutenberg Press: Digital Dissemination of Information to Patients and Physicians
Mark A. Lewis, MD
- Digital Transformation of Trials and Treatments: It's Not (All) About the Technology
Bonnie J. Spring, PhD
- Harry E. Hynes Memorial Lecture: Genomic Testing for Population Risk Stratification
Olufunmilayo Olopade, MD, FACP
The NCORP Research Base Workshop
The NCORP Research Base Workshop is set for Wednesday, October 2, 1:00 - 5:00 pm (with check-in beginning at 12:30 pm). In the past several years, SWOG has expanded its research portfolio to include more studies in Cancer Control and Prevention and Cancer Care Delivery Research under the NCI Community Oncology Research Program (NCORP) umbrella. This workshop will address SWOG studies specific to NCORP research areas in:
- Cancer Survivorship
- Palliative and End of Life Care
- Prevention & Epidemiology
- Cancer Care Delivery Research
- Symptom Control and Quality of Life
The workshop is for Oncology Research Professionals and Investigators at NCORP and NCTN institutions. The agenda and topics at each workshop are different each fall and consists of didactic presentations and breakout sessions.
Questions? Contact cancercontrolquestion@crab.org.
Space is limited so sign up early!
Jeri and Noboru Oishi Symposium
The Jeri and Noboru Oishi Symposium will be held on Thursday, October 3, 8:00 am - 11:30 am. The topic for the symposium will be "Tips and Tools of the Trade in Oncology Clinical Trials"
To sign up, choose Jeri and Noboru Oishi Symposium as an event during Group Meeting online registration. Please note: Handouts will not be provided at the workshop, but will be available later, from the link below. You will need to print the handouts and bring with you to the group meeting. Thank you for your cooperation in this cost-saving measure.
SWOG is approved as a provider of continuing nursing education by the Kansas State Board of Nursing. This course offering is approved for 3.0 contact hours applicable for APRN, RN, or LPN relicensure. Kansas State Board of Nursing Provider Number: SP1445-0420 KAR 60-9-107(b)(3)(C).
SoCRA attendance certificates will also be provided.
Oncology Research Professionals Open Forum
The ORP Open Forum offers the opportunity to discuss all of your technical questions! The Open Forum is set for Thursday, October 3, 12:30-2:00 pm. This forum offers a great opportunity to get answers to your clinical trial questions and to address the science and technical research issues that challenge us today! Come meet your facilitator in a small group setting to discuss interesting topics including:
- Quality Assurance Audit & Regulatory Review
- Data Submission Tips/Tools
- SAE Reporting
- Specimen Preparation and Shipment
- SWOG Site Reimbursements & Coverage Analysis
- FDA Audit
- Eligibility Requirements
- Central Institutional Review Board (CIRB)
- AE Reporting
- PMB/RCR & SWOG Drug Interaction Screening Pilot
Look for these topics at the group meeting. Members of the ORP Committee will also be present to meet with CRAs. For more information or suggestions, contact parkers@seattlecca.org.