Committee Participation

SWOG Policy #8: describes the expectations for committee members, criteria for committee participation and maintaining membership.

  • For SWOG VA members wanting to become more directly involved to ensure consideration for Veteran populations and their unique needs in the design and protocol development aspects of clinical trials, we welcome interested members to serve as liaisons on Group Disease and Research Committees.  For more information, please click here:  VA Liaison Application

    Current committee liaisons:
    • Dr. Thomas Chauncey, MAVERIC/VA Puget Sound - Myeloma
    • Dr. Sarah Colonna, VAMC Salt Lake City - Breast
    • Ms. Jacqueline Gesek, BSN, RN, MAVERIC/VAMC White River - System Management & Survivorship
    • Dr. Michael M. Goodman, MAVERIC/WG Hefner VA - GU
    • Dr. Rangaswamy Govindarajan, Univ of Arkansas/Central Arkansas VA – GI
    • Dr. Chao Huang, VAMC Kansas City - Lung
    • Dr. Helen Ma, VAMC Long Beach - Lymphoma
    • Dr. Yeun-Hee Park, Columbia NCORP/VAMC Bronx - System Management & Survivorship​​​​​​​
    • ​​​​​​​Dr. Jimmy Ruiz, MAVERIC/Wake Forest School of Medicine - Early Therapeutics & Rare Cancers
    • ​​​​​​​Dr. Tsewang Tashi, VAMC Salt Lake City - Leukemia