Clinical Trials

Accrual Status
Limit to SWOG Trials

647 Results

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Status Trial Number Title Sort descending Activated Closed Accrual Phase Published
Closed SWOG-8508 Combination Chemotherapy of Intermediate and High- Grade Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma with MACOP-B 11/6/1985 6/1/1986 Published
Closed SWOG-8503 Combination Chemotherapy of Intermediate and High- Grade Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma with ProMACE-CytaBOM 4/26/1985 11/15/1985 Published
Closed SWOG-8112 Combination Chemotherapy of Unfavorable Histology Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma with CHOP and CVB 1/5/1982 12/23/1982 Published
Closed SWOG-8245 Combination Chemotherapy of Unfavorable Histology Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma with CHOP and CVB (Alternating) 12/23/1982 3/16/1984 Published
Closed SWOG-8385 Combination Chemotherapy with Cis-Platinum, Vinblastine and Methyl Glyoxal Bis (Guanylhydrazone)(MGBG) in Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer 2/24/1984 3/22/1985 Published
Closed SWOG-8311 Combination Chemotherapy with Cis-Platinum, Vinblastineand Methyglyoxal Bis (Guanylhydrazone)(MGBG) in Epidermoid Carcinoma of the Esophagus 7/26/1983 3/22/1985 Published
Closed SWOG-7922 Combination Chemotherapy with Cyclophosphamide, Adriamycin, and Cis-Platinum vs. m-AMSA in Patients with Advanced Transitional Cell Cancer of the Urinary Bladder with Good Renal Function 8/8/1979 9/10/1982 Published
Closed SWOG-8264 Combination Chemotherapy with m-AMSA, Cis-Platinum and MGBG for Refractory Lymphoma 8/11/1962 3/16/1984 Published
Closed SWOG-8325 Combination Chemotherapy With O,P'-DDD and Cis-Platinum in Metastatic Adrenal Carcinoma 1/19/1984 7/1/1989 Published
Closed SWOG-7521 Combination Chemotherapy with or without Immuno- therapy in High-Risk Melanoma Patients: An Adjuvant Study 11/24/1975 7/29/1981 Published
Closed SWOG-8308 Combination Cis-Platinum and Dichloromethotrexate 10/18/1983 3/14/1986 Published
Closed SWOG-7628 Combined CT/RT/IT for Oat Cell Cancer of the Lung 10/28/1976 3/14/1979 Published
Closed SWOG-8568 Combined Modality Therapy for Advanced Stage III Breast Cancer or Localized Stage IV (T3B, Any N, T3aN2-3, or Any T4) 3/4/1986 11/15/1990 85% Published
Closed SWOG-7827 Combined Modality Therapy For Breast Carcinoma Phase III 7/16/1979 8/1/1989 100% Published
Closed SWOG-8024 Combined Modality Therapy for Disseminated Soft Tissue Sarcomas 11/25/1980 6/16/1986 Published
Closed SWOG-7828 Combined Modality Therapy for Extensive Small-Cell Carcinoma of the Lung 11/17/1978 12/3/1980 Published
Closed SWOG-8229/30 Combined Modality Therapy for Multiple Myeloma, VMCP-VBAP for Remission Induction Therapy: VMCP vs. Sequential Half-Body Radiotherapy + Vincristine-Prednisone for Maintenance or Consolidation… 10/15/1982 11/15/1988 Published
Closed SWOG-8068 Combined Modality Treatment for Limited Adenocarcinoma and Large-Cell Carcinoma of the Lung: Radiation Therapy plus 5-FU, Mitomycin-C and Vincristine 9/24/1980 3/30/1983 Published
Closed SWOG-7808 Combined Modality Treatment for Stages III and IV Hodgkin's Disease. 6/1/1978 12/1/1987 Published
Closed SWOG-8122 Combined Modality Treatment of Extensive Small Cell Lung Cancer 3/30/1982 3/22/1985 Published
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