Clinical Trials

Accrual Status
Limit to SWOG Trials

647 Results

Active Filters

Status Trial Number Title Sort descending Activated Closed Accrual Phase Published
Closed S0312 Advanced Renal 12/1/2004 8/15/2005 100% Published
Closed S0007 Advanced, Recurrent, or Metastatic 11/1/2000 5/15/2003 100% Published
Closed S0226 ADVANCED: Anastrozole vs. Anastrozole and Fulvestrant 4/1/2004 7/1/2009 100% Published
Closed S0102 ADVANCED: Doxetaxel/Vinorelbine/Filgrastim for HER-2 Neg Stage IV Breast Cancer 5/1/2001 1/1/2004 100% Published
Closed S0338 ADVANCED: Imatinib Mesylate Plus Capecitabine for Stage IV Breast Cancer 6/15/2004 12/15/2005 39% Published
Closed S0622 ADVANCED: Phase II Dasatinib Treatment for Bone-Metastasis Predominant MBC 3/15/2007 12/15/2010 100% Published
Closed S0430 ADVANCED: Simple Oral Therapy for Metastic Breast Cancer 8/15/2005 9/1/2007 100% Published
Closed S0500 ADVANCED: Therapeutic Strategy Using the CellSearch Assay for Metastatic Breast Cancer 10/1/2006 3/15/2012 100% Published
Closed S0215 ADVANCED: Doxetaxel/Vinorelbine/Filgrastim for HER-2 Pos Stage IV Breast Cancer 9/15/2002 1/1/2007 84% Published
Closed S0800 ADVANCED: Phase II weekly Nab-Paclitaxel +/- Bevacizumab, Preceded or Followed by AC+PEG-G for Locally Advanced Her-2/Neu Neg Breast Cancer 4/1/2010 10/1/2012 100% Published
Closed SWOG-9320 AIDS-RELATED: ProMACE-CytaBOM w/trimethoprim sulfa, G-CSF, and antiretroviral therapy (followed by brain RT) 5/1/1994 12/1/2000 100% Published
Closed S9628 AL Amyloidosis 11/1/1996 3/15/2003 93% Published
Closed S0715 ALC 9/15/2009 2/1/2011 100% Published
Closed SWOG-8612 Allogeneic Bone Marrow Transplantation for Patients with Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia or Acute Non- Lymphoblastic Leukemia (After Remission Induction Failure, in Relapse or in Second or Subsequent… 12/30/1986 10/1/1991 98% Published
Closed SWOG-8857 Alternating Cisplatin/VP-16 with Continuous CAV and Consolidation Chemoradiotherapy for Extensive Small Cell Lung Cancer with PCI for Complete Responders 10/15/1989 5/15/1991 100% Published
Closed SWOG-8748 Alternating Induction Chemotherapy with Weekly Adriamycin and 5-Fluorouracil/Leucovorin Followed by Adriamycin and Cyclophosphamide, a Phase II Study in Poor Risk, Stage IV Breast Cancer 7/15/1988 3/1/1990 77% Published
Closed SWOG-8591(NCI Intergroup #0035) An Evaluation of Levamisole Alone or Levamisole plus 5-Fluorouracil as Surgical Adjuvant Treatment for Resectable Adenocarcinoma of the Colon 1/14/1985 10/1/1987 Published
Closed SWOG-8807 An Investigation of the Relationship Between an Integrated, System Education Approach and Breast Self Exam (BSE) Compliance 5/15/1989 12/1/1993 77% Published
Closed SWOG-8855 Ancillary 9/15/1990 9/1/2002 Published
Closed SWOG-9218 Ancillary 1/15/1993 4/1/2002 Published
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