Clinical Trials

Accrual Status
Limit to SWOG Trials

647 Results

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Status Trial Number Title Sort descending Activated Closed Accrual Phase Published
Closed SWOG-8626 Phase II Study of Recominbant DNA Gamma Interferon in Advanced Cancer of the Pancreas 5/15/1987 11/15/1988 Published
Closed SWOG-9413 Phase II Treatment with Etoposide (E), Leucovorin (L), 5-Fluorouracil (F) and Interferon Alpha 2b (I), (ELFI) + G-CSF for Locally Advanced or Recurrent Pancreatic Adenocarcinoma 5/1/1995 3/15/1996 100% Published
Closed SWOG-8811 Phase II Trial of 5-Fluorouracil and High Dose Folinic Acid as First or Second Line Therapy for Advanced Breast Cancer 9/1/1988 11/15/1990 77% Published
Closed SWOG-9326 Phase II Trial of Altretamine for Consolidation of Clinical Complete Response in Patients with Stage III Epithelial Ovarian Cancer 9/1/1993 7/1/1997 100% Published
Closed SWOG-9429 Phase II Trial of Carboplatin and VP-16 With Concurrent For Poor-Risk Stage III Non-Small Cell Lung Carcinoma 8/15/1994 9/1/1995 100% Published
Closed S9618 Phase II Trial of Carboplatin Followed by Dose Intense Paclitaxel, Followed by Maintenance Paclitaxel Therapy in Stage IV Ovarian, Fallopian Tube and Peritoneal Cancers 10/1/1996 9/15/1999 96% Published
Closed SWOG-9235 Phase II Trial of Casodex in Advanced Prostate Cancer Patients Who Failed Conventional Hormonal Manipulation 12/15/1993 6/1/1994 96% Published
Closed S9705 Phase II Trial of Cisplatin, Etoposide and Paclitaxel (Taxol®) With G-CSF in Untreated Patients with Extensive Small Cell Lung Cancer 8/15/1997 7/1/1998 100% Published
Closed SWOG-9518 Phase II Trial of Continuous Topotecan Infusion in Patients with Advanced Soft Tissue Sarcomas 4/1/1996 10/15/1997 55% Published
Closed SWOG-9207 Phase II Trial of Edatrexate Plus Carboplatin in Metastatic Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer 1/1/1993 6/1/1995 62% Published
Closed SWOG-9424 Phase II Trial of High Dose Tamoxifen Plus Cisplatin Chemotherapy in Metastatic Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer 11/15/1994 12/1/1996 75% Published
Closed S9619 Phase II Trial of Intraperitoneal Cisplatin and Intravenous and Intraperitoneal Paclitaxel in Women with Optimally-Debulked Stage III Epithelial Ovarian Cancer, Intergroup 5/15/1996 5/15/1998 100% Published
Closed SWOG-8729 Phase II Trial of Low Dose PALA and High Dose 5-FU as a Short Term Infusion in the Treatment of Adeno-carcinoma of the Pancreas 3/1/1988 1/1/1990 77% Published
Closed SWOG-9212 Phase II Trial of Oral Etoposide in Recurrent or Refractory Endometrial Adenocarcinoma 5/15/1994 1/15/1997 100% Published
Closed S0526 Phase II Trial of Pemetrexed in Stage IIIB and IV BAC 7/1/2006 10/1/2008 25% Published
Closed SWOG-8930 Phase II Trial of Piroxantrone for Advanced or Metastatic Soft-Tissue Sarcomas 6/15/1990 12/1/1991 83% Published
Closed SWOG-8918 Phase II Trial of Piroxantrone in Endometrial Cancer 7/1/1991 5/1/1994 55% Published
Closed SWOG-9324 Phase II Trial of Vinorelbine Tartrate (Navelbine®) for Patients with Relapsed Ovarian Cancer 3/15/1995 7/1/1997 100% Published
Closed SWOG-8904 Phase II Trials of Merbarone and Piroxantrone in Ovarian Cancer 12/1/1990 2/15/1993 63% Published
Closed SWOG-8905 Phase II/III Study of Fluorouracil (5-FU) and its Modulation in Advanced Colorectal Cancer 8/1/1989 1/1/1993 100% Published
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