SWOG clinical trial number
A Cluster Randomized Trial Comparing an Educationally Enhanced Genomic Tumor Board (eGTB) Intervention to Usual Practice to Increase Evidence-Based Genome Informed Therapy
100% Accrual
100% Accrual
Abbreviated Title
Genomic tumor board study
Status Notes
This study will be permanently closed to new patient accrual, effective November 22, 2024, at 3:00 p.m. Eastern Time.
Recruitment Center Criteria:
Recruitment Centers must have completed the S2108CD Recruitment Center Application and be approved for participation in the study. See Section 5.1 of protocol for requirements.
Physician Participant Criteria:
Physician participant must be a registering investigator of the Recruitment Center that is participating in the study. If the physician is a registering investigator at more than one Recruitment Center, he/she must choose one Recruitment Center to identify with and enroll patients from; Physician participants must be board-eligible or board-certified in Medical Oncology, Gynecologic Oncology, or Neurology with certification or eligible for certification in Neuro-oncology; must be willing to offer participation in the study to all eligible patients under their care for the duration of the study; must be willing to complete all study questionnaires and, as part of the implementation objective, participate in interviews if invited; must complete all baseline questionnaires prior to registration. Physician participants at a Recruitment Center randomized to the intervention arm must be willing to participate in the educationally enhanced GTB (EGTB).
Patient Participant Criteria:
Patient participants must have a solid tumor malignancy that is either recurrent, relapsed, refractory, metastatic, or newly diagnosed Stage III or Stage IV; must be under the care of a physician enrolled on the study; must not be going on hospice care at the time of registration; may have started anti-cancer treatment for the current diagnosis. The treating physician anticipates that the patient will start a new anti-cancer treatment (either first or subsequent lines) within 6 months after registration including non-treatment studies and studies that include investigational drugs. Patients may be enrolled on genome-informed therapeutic trials, such as LungMAP, MATCH, or TAPUR; Patient participant must have a genomic tumor test (GTT) ordered prior to registration with results pending. The genomic testing may be a commercially available panel (such as FoundationOne, Caris, or Tempus) or a non-commercial tumor panel performed at an academic medical center; must be at least 18 years of age; must have a Zubrod performance status of 0-2. 4. Patient participants with tests assessing cancer-risk defining germline variants only (germline test) are not eligible.
Lessons from Implementing Practice-Level Cluster Randomized Studies within the NCORP Setting
K Arnold;G Anderson;D Weatherbee Society for Clinical Trials (MAY 15-18, 2022 San Diego, CA), poster