SWOG clinical trial number
RTOG 0212

A Phase II/III Randomized Trial of Two Doses (Phase III-Standard vs. High) and Two High Doe Schedules (Phase II-Once vs. Twice Daily) for Delivering Prophylactic Cranial Irradiation for Patients with Limited Disease Small Cell Lung Cancer

Abbreviated Title
NCORP, Members, Medical Oncologists, Radiation Oncologists

Research committees

Lung Cancer


Prophylactic Cranial Irradiation

Eligibility Criteria Expand/Collapse

Pts must have histologic proof or unequivocal cytologic proof of SCLC; Pts must have limited disease SCLC, clinical Stages I-IIIB (AJCC, 1997), whatever the induction treatment; Pts must have completed all prescribed chemotherapy 1 week prior to registration and before beginning PCI; Pts must have achieved a complete response to induction chemotherapy (+/- thoracic radiation therapy) according to local habits (at least on a chest X-ray) prior to registration; Pts may have started consolidative chest irradiation prior to registration; Pts must have a Zubrod PS </= 1; Pts must have a normal brain CT scan or MRI < 1 month prior to registration; Pts must have a neurological function Class of 1 or 2 (Appendix II); An Absolute granulocyte count >/= 1,500, HGB >/= 10.0 gm/100 ml and platelet count of >/=75,000 are required; Pts of childbearing potential must practice adequate contraception; A "certified" test administrator (Section 11.4) is required for administration of the neuropsychological tests; Pts must have no radiographic evidence of brain mets; Pts must have no minimal pleural effusion or lung metastases evident on CXR (minimal pleural effusion visible on chest CT is allowed); Pts must not have had prior external beam irradiation to the head or neck; Pts must not have current or past malignancy within the past five years other than non-melanomatous skin cancer or carcinoma in situ of cervix; Pts must not have a serious medical or psychiatric illness that would, in the opinion of the investigator, prevent informed consent, or completion of protocol treatment, and/or follow-up visits; Pts w/epilepsy requiring permanent oral medication are excluded; Pts must not be planning to receive concurrent chemotherapy or antitumoral agents during PCI.

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Research Committee(s)
Lung Cancer