SWOG clinical trial number

Randomized Double-Blinded Phase III Study of CABozantinib versus Placebo IN Advanced NEuroendocrine Tumors after Progression on Prior Therapy (CABINET)

Abbreviated Title
Randomized Double-Blinded Phase III Study of CABozantinib versus Placebo IN Advanced NEuroendocrine Tumors after Progression on Prior Therapy (CABINET)
Status Notes
SWOG Champion Raphael Jonathan Strosberg, MD. - Effective immediately, Monday, August 7, 2023, A021602 (CABINET) is temporarily suspended to new patient registration. The study will remain temporarily suspended until the interim analysis described in Section 13.5 of the protocol has been completed.

Research committees

Gastrointestinal Cancer



Eligibility Criteria Expand/Collapse

SWOG is participating in this study through the Cancer Trials Support Unity (CTSU) of the National Cancer Institute. Please contact the CTSU directly by phone (888/823-5923) or on the CTSU website (http://www.ctsu.org) for more information and registration procedures.

Publication Information Expand/Collapse


Alliance A021602: Phase III, Double Blinded Study of Cabozantinib Versus Placebo for Advanced Neuroendocrine Tumors (NET) After Progression on Prior Therapy (CABINET)

J Chan;S Geyer;F Ou;M Knopp;S Behr;T Zemla;A Jacoba;A Shergill;E Wolin;T Halfdanarson;N Trikalinos;B Konda;N Vijayvergia;N Dasari;N Dasari;J Strosberg;E Kohn;M Kulke;E O'Reilly;J Meyerhardt Annals of Oncology VOLUME 34, SUPPLEMENT 2, S1292; ESMO (October 20-24, 2023, Madrid, Spain), proferred paper presentation